A New Season, A New Blog

Blogging has been a part of my life since, oh, I don’t know…2006. I remember the first post I wrote. I was about to go stark raving mad after being stuck in the house for five days straight with my sickly children. Hence, I became a blogger out of sheer boredom.

Since that time…I’ve been an “on again, off again” blogger. Sadly…it’s been more off than on in the past couple of years. I decided just the other day that I would start posting again only to discover that my “blogspot” address doesn’t exist. I’ve tried to recover it with no success. I’ve decided to accept this as a sign that it’s time to start fresh. It seems appropriate since I’m entering a new season of life with a daughter going into high school, a son starting middle school, and me…finishing up my final year toward my teaching degree.

I love to write…even though I’m not always that great at it. So, in spite of my busy life, I’ve decided that I will make time to do the things I love.

So…Hello, WordPress. Its good to meet you.